Wind power lab
The effects of the high penetration of wind energy in the electricity grid, as well as the different solutions that allow to improve its integration, attract the attention of wind turbine manufacturers, transport system managers and the community researcher. This infrastructure allows research to be carried out in this field.
Main objectives of this infrastructure:
-Study of the behavior of wind energy generation systems in conditions of grid failure.
-Design specific control strategies to support the network in failure conditions.
-Improve the circulation of low voltage through the capacity of wind energy systems
- Design of advanced functionalities to improve the efficiency of wind turbines.
-Experiment with wind energy systems connected to the grid

Services it offers
- Control of generation and integration systems
- Real-time simulation systems (Digital Twins) with remote access
Project: Control of advanced topologies to improve power quality and efficiency of static converters applied to DFIG-based wind turbines
Challenge: In order to increase the use of renewable energy in the electricity system, and more specifically wind energy, the initial cost of the equipment must decrease and its efficiency must be increased. This will maximize the income of wind farm developers and make wind energy more competitive. Increased efficiency will also reduce cooling equipment and reduce system cost. As more and more wind power is integrated into the power grid, the impact on the power system is more important, and the connection quality of wind turbines is one of the main problems in wind power technology.
Solution: Power electronics is the technology that will allow the solution to all these questions. The main objective is the application of advanced power conversion topologies for the improvement of efficiency, power quality and cost reduction of wind turbines. This objective will be achieved by developing a simulation platform of a complete wind energy system, evaluating the behavior of different advanced power topologies, selecting the topologies with the best efficiency and power quality for synchronous induction generators and/ or doubly fed, and build prototypes of these converters in order to demonstrate that the simulation results in synchronous and doubly fed induction generators.
- Workstations for simulation studies
- Synchronous generator work bench
- Induction generator work bench
- Advanced HIL control systems (dSpace)
- Three-phase power converters
- DSP development systems
- Oscilloscopes and digital counters
- Adjustable three-phase network